Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Protein Synthesis Lab

Protein synthesis has three different steps. The first one is transcription where DNA is copied into a mRNA, which is where uracil is substituted for thymine and it is a single strand. The mRNA then leaves nucleus and travels to the cytoplasm. The next step is called translation, where the actual protein is made. In this step, the mRNA attaches to the ribosome, and the ribosome matches each codon to an amino acid. After translation is finished, the amino acids fold up to make a protein!

The mutations that seemed to be harmless or very in affective seemed to be the small substitution mutations. When taking out a letter and replacing it with the other, the protein did not change at all. However when DNA had a letter added the effects were obvious. Even when the strand was deleted the protein turn out to be a disaster. However, I wanted to see what would happen if we affected the beginning of the sequence, so I used substitution at the begging, and there was no start codon, so there was no protein. I think that any mutation, either frameshift mutations (insertion or deletion) or just substitution to the start or end of a sequence would completely change the end result. In the middle, these mutations aren't quite as harmful, especially with substitution. This is why the location of the mutation matters.

To make a mutation with maximum effect I substituted one of the base pairs in the first codon. I chose this because it would change the start codon, which would prevent the ribosome from making a protein at all. Substitution has to occur in the start of the sequence for it to have a major effect, otherwise it's effect will be very minor, like what we saw with our first substitution, where the protein didn't change at all.  

Proteins normally help us carry oxygen in our blood and digest food, so mutations can damage these processes or even stop them completely! And it's not only these things that mutations could affect, it could affect any other phenotype which humans should have. Uner Tan syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by a mutation in the DNA, and it causes people to walk on all fours. These are one in many ways mutations can affect our lives.

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