Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Unit 5 Reflection

This unit was all about how DNA and RNA helps our body make proteins that help it function. This process is called protein synthesis. In this process, DNA first replicates itself into a one stranded copy called mRNA, which replaces base T with base U. This process of making RNA is called transcription. Next, the mRNA leaves the nucleus and goes to the ribosomes. Here, the ribosomes take groups of three base pairs called codons, and make amino acids. All the amino acids that the ribosomes make are chained together to form the protein. These proteins help our body work. Here is a visual example of protein synthesis.

 I also learned how mutations in this process affect our bodies. The most dangerous mutations are probably the frameshift mutations, either insertion or deletion. These either change the protein completely, or don't make the protein at all. Any mutation, either frameshift or substitution at the beginning of a sequence really causes damage to the end protein. Here is a visual representation of how mutations affect the protein.

The protein synthesis lab really helped me understand this topic, and I think at first, I was at a 3 on a scale of 1-5, and now I am at a 5. If there was one topic from this unit that I had to work on, I think it would be gene expression and regulation. Was that vodcast just an extension of the protein synthesis vodcast? In the last unit, I took a survey and learned that I learn best with hands on activities. This unit, I did the lab conclusions very carefully and thoroughly, and learned a lot from the DNA extraction lab and protein synthesis lab. In all, I am a better student than I was at the beginning at the unit, both content based and skil based. 

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